Forging practical solutions to problems within the American legal system.

In 2006, John Moye, our founding partner, a distinguished lawyer, and well-regarded legal scholar, helped to create the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS). He, along with Daniel Ritchie, Charles Gates, and Rebecca Love Kourlis saw a legal system that they felt was often failing to deliver justice and decided to do something about it.

John played an instrumental role in shaping the organization's mission and priorities by building a coalition of legal professionals who shared his vision for reform, and helped to develop the research and policy recommendations that are now the hallmark of IAALS's work. Since 2006, the organization has grown to be a leading voice in legal reform, seeking to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and accessibility of our justice system. It brings together legal professionals, judges, scholars, and other industry experts to identify and address issues that impact the legal system's ability to provide justice for all, and it conducts research, publishes reports, and hosts conferences and events to advance its mission of promoting a fair and effective legal system.

In 2012, the University of Denver dedicated a building on its campus in John’s name, John Moye Hall, as a way to honor his work, support, and enduring commitment to the organization’s work. John practiced law in Denver for nearly 50 years; even after his passing in 2022, his legacy and passion for advancing the legal industry lives on through IAALS.

Moye White is proud to honor John and proudly continues to support IAALS and its commitment to advancing justice through innovative and collaborative solutions.